Innovating for Sustainable Food
For Sustainable Food
Numerous challenges arise to ensure a healthy and sustainable food supply.
Our choices in terms of food, sourcing, and the management of our food waste have an impact on health, carbon footprint, local economies, and the preservation of landscapes and ecosystems.
From this realization, the program 'Innovating for Sustainable Food' was born, targeting innovative projects aimed at transforming the sector sustainably. It combines H7's expertise in supporting startups, SUEZ's know-how as a key player in ecological transition for businesses and communities, and the local anchoring and knowledge of Lyon Métropole Habitat beneficiaries.
9 Months to Accelerate
Expert Workshops
Selection Criteria
You are ready to commit during the 9 months of support
Your project has a strong impact benefiting the residents of the territories, especially those in the Lyon Metropolitan area
You wish to be in contact with the SUEZ Group and Lyon Métropole Habitat."