Web3: assess opportunities and get started

Go from 0 to 1 with Gilles Fedak, co-founder of iExec, a French Web3 pioneer offering a unique and innovative solution to protect and enhance your digital assets. In this episode, discover Gilles’ background and the story behind the creation of iExec, as he shares his advice and vision on :

iExec and H7: the first Web3 Incubator comes to an end

The result of a partnership between iExec and H7, the first edition of the Web3 Incubator, launched in October 2022, is drawing to a close. After 6 months’ support, the three incubated start-ups – LAfricaMobile, Wearspaces and Ziplo – presented their solutions at a dedicated evening event. Kelly Green, start-up manager at H7, tells us what was at stake and …

5 influential Web3 personalities

Crypto, NFT, blockchain – would you like to find out more about Web3 and its possibilities? Discover 5 influential personalities from the Web3 Universe, to follow without moderation. Sébastien Borget Favorite topics: gaming, metaverse, community and entrepreneurship. For whom? Web3 entrepreneurs. Sébastien Borget is co-founder of The Sandbox a virtual game in the metaverse and future French unicorn. Sandbox has …

Web3 entrepreneurship: removing obstacles to accelerate adoption

Since its creation in 2020, Starton has helped more than 1,600 professionals move to Web3. Their solution facilitates the integration of blockchain into companies’ internal processes. A true pioneer on the French scene, Fabien Poggi – co-founder – was one of the guests at the Web3 incubator’s Demo day. The aim: to share his expertise on the adoption of blockchain …

WEB3 incubator: three months after launch, start-ups present their solutions

The result of a partnership between iExec and H7, the first edition of the WEB3 incubator launched last October has reached its half-way point. For the winning start-ups, it’s the ideal opportunity to demonstrate their solutions to the general public and share their advances. Take a behind-the-scenes look at the WEB3 incubator and Demo Day – the mid-term event – …

From Web2 to Web3: best practices for converting your community

Since its creation in 2019, Neopolis – the mobile game that transforms the real world into a giant game board – has attracted over 3 million players in Europe. With the launch of Neoland, the Web3 version of the game, Neopolis has implemented a new strategy to encourage user adoption. Co-founder Ben Kaltenbaek gives us his top tips. Ever since …

Ziplo: protect your creations in 3 clicks

Since October 2022, Lyon’s first Web3 incubator – the result of a partnership between iExec and H7 – has been offering a choice support program to 3 start-ups to boost their projects. Meet start-up Ziplo, winner of the first season 🪐 Last June, the Ziplo team won the WEB3 hackathon, organized by iExec and H7. The reward? a golden ticket …

Wearspaces: fashion without limits

Since October 2022, Lyon’s first Web3 incubator – the result of a partnership between iExec and H7 – has been offering a choice support program to 3 start-ups to boost their projects. Meet start-ups from the Web3 incubator 🪐 Wearspaces is one of four start-ups selected to join the first promotion of the Web3 incubator, by iExec and H7. We …

3 start-ups conquer Web3

Following a call for applications that attracted 25 submissions, the iExec and H7 teams selected 3 start-ups from the healthcare, telecoms, retail and intellectual property sectors to help them accelerate towards Web3. The WEB3 incubator by iExec and H7 is launched. Congratulations to Ziplo, LAfricaMobile and Wearspaces, the winners of this first promotion! The winners ✨ LAfricaMobile – Malick Diouf …

Launch of the first Web3 incubator in Lyon – by iExec and H7

The fruit of a collaboration born 6 months ago between two Lyon-based players in entrepreneurship and blockchain, H7 and iExec are proud to announce the launch of the first incubation program dedicated to Web3 in Lyon! The aim of the incubator is tosupport entrepreneurs in their creation and acceleration, and to encourage the emergence of Web3 in the region. 3 …

When companies turn to Web3 to make the most of their data

Five years after its creation, Lyon-based start-up iExec is scaling up in an ecosystem that is increasingly receptive to blockchain technologies and the impact of Web3 on their businesses. Meet Francis Otshudi, Director of Enterprise Solutions for iExec, the leading Web3 marketplace for IT resources. What are the challenges facing organizations in the Web3 era? The main issue is theuse …