Concours 4S – 10 projects with social, environmental and territorial impact

Discover the 10 finalists project of “Concours 4S”, the innovation contest by the french bank Crédit Mutuel. Since 2020, Crédit Mutuel’s Concours 4S rewards innovative projects serving the local area, solidarity, the environment or culture. After four weeks of submissions, the juries have chosen the 10 finalists, who will be supported by Crédit Mutuel experts. On June 6, they invite …

4 tips to improve your project management thanks to Notion

During a meet-up organized at H7, three speaker from the Notion community shared their tips, favorite tools and best practices on how to improve your project management. Adopted by over 80,000 start-ups, Notion is the must-have application for managing your projects, alone or with others. Affordable, it allows you to organize your tasks, manage your projects and take notes, all …

White paper: Open Innovation challenges and opportunities

Use cases, methodologies, tools and impacts. Two years of iterations have led to the creation of this white paper. In these pages, Digital League and H7 present an overview of Open Innovation, analyzing its challenges and benefits. This white paper brings together everything that makes the Club Open Innovation unique, from membership to working methods, coaching and co-development. A guide …

Kikleo: 1.5 million euros to reduce food waste

La Belle Histoire is a series of articles highlighting entrepreneurs and their teams, starting from where it all began, and sharing with you the stages they went through. What’s next? They’re still writing it. Kikleo was created by Vincent Garcia and Martin d’Agay as an end-of-study project, and has now become an impact company. Four years after the start of …

Sustainable food: discover the winners of the third edition 🌾

The “innovating for sustainable food” program, run by H7, SUEZ and Lyon Métropole Habitat, welcomes four new winners. For this third edition, the companies Oligofeed, La Ferme Intégrale, SFaire and Foodzilla will be coached for 9 months on their financial, strategic and operational challenges. October saw the official launch of the third edition of the “innovating for sustainable food” program, …

4 news not to be missed

Calls for applications, entrepreneurial meetings, job dating – find out all about H7 news for the last quarter of 2023. Current calls for applications 📣 Innovating for sustainable food, 3rd edition The call for applications for the third edition of the “innovating for sustainable food” program closed on October 1. Winners will receive 9 months‘ support in addressing their strategic, …

Anthony Babkine: “In France, the conditions for success are not the same for everyone”.

In 2017, Mounira Hamdi and Anthony Babkine founded Diversidays, the equal opportunity association working for more diversity in tech and digital professions. Since its creation, Diversidays has supported over 10,000 jobseekers and 50 tech players. As part of the 13M program, we met co-founder Anthony Babkine. Hello Anthony, would you like to introduce yourself? My name is Anthony Babkine and …

Jean Guo: “Digital fragility is universal”.

Since 2016, Konexio has been offering digital training courses for people who are far from employment (refugees, young people from QPVs, people undergoing retraining, women, …). The association’s aim is to help them develop their skills, in order to promote their integration into the world of work. As part of the 13M program, we met Jean Guo, co-founder and CEO. …

SOStech, enabling local authorities to combat digital exclusion

Meet the four winners of 13M, the first nationwide digital inclusion gas pedal created by Banque des Territoires, Groupe SOS, H7 and Pulse. Hello Arthur, can you tell us a bit about yourself? My name is Arthur, I’m 21 and I’m the founder of SOStech. SOStech’s mission is to give everyone the means to take advantage of the opportunities offered …

Bookinou launches a loan offer for teachers

One satisfied user is worth two. Bookinou has understood this – since the beginning of June, the Lyon-based start-up has been offering a loan campaign aimed at teachers. The aim was to give them the opportunity to test the Bookinou storyteller and validate its pedagogical virtues in helping 2-7 year-olds learn to read. Since its creation, Bookinou has helped over …

LISIO, making websites more inclusive everywhere and for everyone

Meet the four winners of 13M, the first nationwide digital inclusion gas pedal created by Banque des Territoires, Groupe SOS, H7 and Pulse. Hello Eric, can you tell us a bit about yourself? 👋 My name is Éric GAYRAUD, and I’m the founder and director of LISIO. I’m a computer scientist by training. For fifteen years, I worked as a …

iExec and H7: the first Web3 Incubator comes to an end

The result of a partnership between iExec and H7, the first edition of the Web3 Incubator, launched in October 2022, is drawing to a close. After 6 months’ support, the three incubated start-ups – LAfricaMobile, Wearspaces and Ziplo – presented their solutions at a dedicated evening event. Kelly Green, start-up manager at H7, tells us what was at stake and …

Hupso – formerly Prep Academy: 7 million euros to revolutionize shortage occupations

La Belle Histoire is a series of articles featuring entrepreneurs and their teams – the main characters – starting from where it all began – the genesis – and sharing with you the stages they went through – the epic -. What happened next? They’re still writing it 😉 April 2023, Arnaud Gracieux, founder of PrepAcademy, officially announces the raising …

NECC: a video game center for digital inclusion

Meet the four winners of 13M, the first nationwide digital inclusion gas pedal created by Banque des Territoires, Groupe SOS, H7 and Pulse. Hello Mehdi and Stephan, can you tell us a bit about yourselves? Mehdi: I’m Mehdi Bensafi, president of the NECC association and Sport Manager on the taekwondo and para-taekwondo competition as part of the Paris 2024 Olympic …

France Digitale and H7 formalize partnership to support regional start-ups

France Digitale and H7 formalize a partnership serving tech start-ups in the Lyon Metropolitan area. The aim: to help entrepreneurs develop their business, finance their growth, create jobs and improve their social and environmental impact. “The family of French startups continues to grow and expand nationally and internationally, yet inequalities persist between regions in terms of funding, talent and support,” …

13M, the first gas pedal for digital inclusion, welcomes its first class

Informa’Truck, Lisio, NECC and SOStech – these are the names of the four winners of the first class of 13M. What they have in common is an unwavering determination to move the boundaries of digital inclusion. In 2023, 13 million French people will still be digitally excluded. The result is 13M, the first nationwide gas pedal for digital inclusion, operated …

5 influential Web3 personalities

Crypto, NFT, blockchain – would you like to find out more about Web3 and its possibilities? Discover 5 influential personalities from the Web3 Universe, to follow without moderation. Sébastien Borget Favorite topics: gaming, metaverse, community and entrepreneurship. For whom? Web3 entrepreneurs. Sébastien Borget is co-founder of The Sandbox a virtual game in the metaverse and future French unicorn. Sandbox has …

RTE’s “FabStudio”: when employees innovate their own tools

RTE, the electricity transmission system operator, is launching “FabStudio” in 2021, a FabLab open to all employees to innovate and improve their production tools. “Familiarize yourself with new rapid prototyping technologies” is RTE’s aim with the launch of its FabLab. For over 10 years, the company has been committed to putting innovation at the service of its employees. A first …

The Digital Lab, an innovative initiative to involve employees in the transformation of the company

Groupe Haulotte, a specialist in tools for lifting people and loads, is launching its “Digital Lab” in 2021, a collaborative place for innovation to accelerate the transformation of its business. Case study. Digital Lab, definition : “A space dedicated to the testing, creation and implementation of innovative digital projects.” Innovation has been part of Haulotte’s DNA since the company was …

Web3 entrepreneurship: removing obstacles to accelerate adoption

Since its creation in 2020, Starton has helped more than 1,600 professionals move to Web3. Their solution facilitates the integration of blockchain into companies’ internal processes. A true pioneer on the French scene, Fabien Poggi – co-founder – was one of the guests at the Web3 incubator’s Demo day. The aim: to share his expertise on the adoption of blockchain …

WEB3 incubator: three months after launch, start-ups present their solutions

The result of a partnership between iExec and H7, the first edition of the WEB3 incubator launched last October has reached its half-way point. For the winning start-ups, it’s the ideal opportunity to demonstrate their solutions to the general public and share their advances. Take a behind-the-scenes look at the WEB3 incubator and Demo Day – the mid-term event – …

From Web2 to Web3: best practices for converting your community

Since its creation in 2019, Neopolis – the mobile game that transforms the real world into a giant game board – has attracted over 3 million players in Europe. With the launch of Neoland, the Web3 version of the game, Neopolis has implemented a new strategy to encourage user adoption. Co-founder Ben Kaltenbaek gives us his top tips. Ever since …

Frello: raising funds to transform French language learning

La Belle Histoire is a series of articles featuring entrepreneurs and their teams – the main characters – starting from where it all began – the genesis – and sharing with you the stages they went through – the epic -. What happened next? They’re still writing it 😉 The story begins on the school benches, where Théo Dumarski and …

“Digital should no longer be a brake, but an opportunity.”

Meet Marianne Beaufils – in charge of “digital inclusion” projects and investment – and Nicolas Turcat – head of the Education, Public Services and Digital Inclusion Department – at Banque des Territoires. Through their eyes, discover the raison d’être of 13M, the first gas pedal dedicated to digital inclusion by Banque des Territoires, Groupe SOS, H7 and Pulse. Hello Marianne, … 4 million euros to make life easier for API users

La Belle Histoire is a series of articles featuring entrepreneurs and their teams. the main characters – starting from where it all began the genesis – to share with you the stages they went through – and the epic -. What next? They’re still writing it 😉 Thursday, 10:30 am, Anthony Lio, co-founder of, returns from several intensive days …

H7: highlights in 2022 and projections for 2023

Cédric Denoyel, President of H7 – Responsible Accelerator and digital totem of the Lyon Metropolis – looks back on the highlights of 2022 and shares the outlook for 2023. More than 60 start-ups supported, three incubation and acceleration programs, a first national event: this is the outcome of the year 2022 for H7, the responsible gas pedal and digital totem …

LabLabee: $1.4 million to revolutionize telecommunications training

La belle Histoire is a series of articles featuring entrepreneurs and their teams – the main characters – starting from where it all began – the genesis – and sharing with you the stages they went through – the epic -. What’s next? They’re still writing it. On this September afternoon, Samir takes a break. The last few months have …

Ziplo: protect your creations in 3 clicks

Since October 2022, Lyon’s first Web3 incubator – the result of a partnership between iExec and H7 – has been offering a choice support program to 3 start-ups to boost their projects. Meet start-up Ziplo, winner of the first season 🪐 Last June, the Ziplo team won the WEB3 hackathon, organized by iExec and H7. The reward? a golden ticket …

Wearspaces: fashion without limits

Since October 2022, Lyon’s first Web3 incubator – the result of a partnership between iExec and H7 – has been offering a choice support program to 3 start-ups to boost their projects. Meet start-ups from the Web3 incubator 🪐 Wearspaces is one of four start-ups selected to join the first promotion of the Web3 incubator, by iExec and H7. We …

3 start-ups conquer Web3

Following a call for applications that attracted 25 submissions, the iExec and H7 teams selected 3 start-ups from the healthcare, telecoms, retail and intellectual property sectors to help them accelerate towards Web3. The WEB3 incubator by iExec and H7 is launched. Congratulations to Ziplo, LAfricaMobile and Wearspaces, the winners of this first promotion! The winners ✨ LAfricaMobile – Malick Diouf …

Launch of the first Web3 incubator in Lyon – by iExec and H7

The fruit of a collaboration born 6 months ago between two Lyon-based players in entrepreneurship and blockchain, H7 and iExec are proud to announce the launch of the first incubation program dedicated to Web3 in Lyon! The aim of the incubator is tosupport entrepreneurs in their creation and acceleration, and to encourage the emergence of Web3 in the region. 3 …

When companies turn to Web3 to make the most of their data

Five years after its creation, Lyon-based start-up iExec is scaling up in an ecosystem that is increasingly receptive to blockchain technologies and the impact of Web3 on their businesses. Meet Francis Otshudi, Director of Enterprise Solutions for iExec, the leading Web3 marketplace for IT resources. What are the challenges facing organizations in the Web3 era? The main issue is theuse …

MyFit Solutions: €1M to develop tailor-made products on a large scale

La Belle Histoire is a series of articles featuring entrepreneurs and their teams – the main characters – starting from where it all began – the genesis – and sharing with you the stages they went through – the epic -. What happened next? They’re still writing it 😉 Industrialization generally implies product standardization. Xavier Deshayes, founder of MyFit Solutions, …

Solustone: technology, stone and above all people

La Belle Histoire is a series of articles featuring entrepreneurs and their teams. the main characters – starting from where it all began the genesis – to share with you the stages they went through – and the epic -. What next? They’re still writing it 😉 The story begins on the thirty-fifth floor of a New York building overlooking …